Temporal AA artifacts if SceneCapture2D is used

If a SceneCapture2D actor is in use on the map then the temporal AA has shimmering artifacts on moving objects:
Example video


  • New default level.
  • Place a SceneCapture2D actor.
  • Specify a texture target. Play, observe the artifacts.

Branch: Binary
Build version: 4.4.0-2255576 (Also in 4.3.1)
OS: Win 7 x64
Video card: GTX 760
Video driver: 337.88

Hi ZoltanE,

Thank you for the feedback. I was easily able to reproduce this in 4.4 and in our current internal build. I have entered it as TTP# 344125 into our tracking software and our developers will be looking into the issue.

Thanks, TJ

To make sure we see the same artifacts - is your mesh translucent? Have you disabled TemporalAA to verify that is the issue (in game console: “show TemporalAA”) ? You also can try to disable MotionBlur (“show MotionBlur”).

The mesh uses a very basic material: Surface - Opaque - Default lit - No Tesselation.
Yes, the shimmering only happens with TemporalAA turned on AND having a SceneCapture2D running.
MotionBlur doesn’t really change the AA artifacts which are still visible unless the pawn is blurred into a smudge.

any news about this bug? We have the same issue!


Hi hurricane86,

Please bear with us, this is still being looked into by our dev team and has steadily moved up in priority.


Hi, just another bump FYI :wink:

FXAA give results not comparable with TemporalAA - especially when used with SpeedTree.