Updated 29.09.2015! Small Progress for Paper2D Template! 66th post!
Hello everyone!
For around 2 months I am working on a project related to our old-school fighting games. You know, 2 players, regular stages etc.
Before I move on to the real deal though, I am working on a template which I will share with community when I am feeling comfortable about it, and when it is finished.
I have very little experience with coding, and all I am using is blueprints so I am learning as I go ahead with it. I made the basic animations for now alongside with little core mechanics, so I decided to make a thread about it. Why not?!
Here is the first video, presenting the basic core system. Local multiplayer, a camera, and a stage with limited space to play on.
Next video is about collision. 90% done. Still need to iron it out. :3
Lastly a very short video demonstrating animations for both left and right side standings. (30% slower for showing blending is “okay-ish” ^^)
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** <------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 05.15.2015 ----------------------------------------------------------> **
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Player BP is almost done. It works flawlessly. It got it’s own gravity system and on hit component event to find out if it is on ground or not, aka mimicing “IsFalling” of movement component. Biggest outcome so far is having no variables that I don’t use. So it is way less confusing for a newcomer to Unreal 4.
Various bugs are fixed when it comes to jumping continuously on top of the another player. Blending were slightly going mad time to time, but now fixed. \o/
Got rid of some variables, things are more connected… so… yay.
Post Process Effect for background is finished by accident. Accident because I had no idea how to do it. Fiddling around suddenly gave epic (maybe not so epic) results.
Here are examples;
- First Picture, all is normal. Just for you to compare later.
- Second Picture, incase you want the environment to become colorless.
- Third one, what if you want it bloodred? D:
- What if you want it to have a kawai picture? o.o’
- Not enough? Maybe you want to have a ubercoolhaxmadness video at background? Any video would work, but let’s say you finished the opponent with a Street Fighter Style Super!
Anything works as you see. That’s all for now!
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** <------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 05.31.2015 ----------------------------------------------------------> **
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Howdy! Here is the progress, plus a video! It’s been 15 days now and I am working like hell on this template, it’s coming up nicely!
- Collision System got it’s size reduced by 85% and it works better. There is no twitching -at all- now and it reacts to all kinds of speeds. Pushing or getting the player pushed rather nicely. I can gladly say it is finally finished.
- Lot’s of internal problems fixed. PEBCAK was the reason most of the time. http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/uncyclopedia/images/4/4f/Pebcak.png/revision/latest?cb=20140503101239
- Anim Graph got updated and is now only half by size. All blendings are awesome now! (Promised!)
- Small Key Press Recognisiton is now in motion! For example you can dash to right or left, depending on which button you pressed twice in a row!
- Endless Jumping is there just like other Fighting Games. Before you could not hold jump to continously jump everytime you landed. Now you can! O_O !
- Dashing and Jumping can work together, letting you jump right after a short moment you land from a dash and vice versa.
And here is a quick video. Enjoy!
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— Things that are “almost” finished —
- Player Start system. Players spawn at two locations randomised. - FINISHED -
- Animation base system is done. Using two sets of animations for being at left and being at right side so the characters look flipped. - FINISHED -
- Camera system is done. Working flawlessly. Maybe need abit of clamping at jumping moments.
- Players never go out of the screen. They are blocked well. - FINISHED -
- Two maps are finished.
— Things that are being worked on —
- Player BP. Decided to make my own. I do not use 95% of the stuff the Movement System of the Character BP so cleaning up things. - FINISHED -
- Make many things component based. For example need to make a Collision Component so that if developer wants to make a new character, simply add the component and he would have a collision system. Plug’n Play kinda.
- Need to make a gravity system of my own. Related to 1. - FINISHED -
- Advanced combo system. Basic input detection is there but needs to become more complex. - ON GOING -
- Better animations.
— Things that needs to be done later —
- Music and Particle Effects.
- A few more maps.
- UMG. Options, health bars, character selection etc.
- Release afew things from Tick Event and use Timer instead. - ON GOING -
That’s all I can say so far! Will update with new stuff soonish! ^^