Teleporters,secondary tracks, and checkpoints not putting player back in front of correct checkpoint upon crash - live edit session behaves differently than private or published island


Whenever a player is transported to a secondary (or tertiary, etc.) track, the player does not respawn in front of the last checkpoint through which they drove if they crash or get reset in any way. A creator was asking for guidance on this issue and will reply to this post with their island code.

So I have created a small island with the private island code: 1477-5365-9952 to show off what is going on.

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

Live Edit

Steps to Reproduce

On my track with the provided private island code:
Drive through the teleporter on the first track and through the teleporter on the second track. At any point before you get to the tertiary track (on my course) If you jump off and touch the water, or hold down on the d-pad (or press F) to reset your car you will be reset correctly. Obviously the racers will accidentally crash and you are simulating that. Now drive through the teleporter at the end of the 2nd track and reset your car.

I’ve been saying these steps are for my island because the creator who brought this to my attention has more or different inconsistencies where you will get reset to the teleporter on the first track. His track is much longer than my little test scenario but both show inconsistencies between what happens in the live edit session and a published/private island.

Expected Result

We would expect that the car is reset just before the last checkpoint they went through, or to a section on the track to which they were closest.

Observed Result

The car is reset just before the last teleporter they went through on the previous section of the track. The checkpoints are lighting up correctly and after I am reset on the secondary track, I can turn and look at the green checkpoint in the middle of my tertiary track. I can’t find any setting that would cause this behavior.


UEFN, Fortnite

Island Code


Additional Notes

Live edit session behaves differently than private or published island:
There is no issues with the resetting of the cars in the live edit session. If you drive through a checkpoint on the tertiary track and then reset, you will be reset to the tertiary track. It’s when you create a private island and/or publish it that you get these inconsistent results. On longer tracks, a reset that takes you back so far basically makes you lose the race. Just an example of how it would break the game. Thanks for your assistance!

Here is how I have my checkpoints set up, which should be correct but please let me know if there are any errors here.

Here is the checkpoint on the tertiary track that has a checkpoint lit green, showing that I went through the one before it and then reset to the secondary track, which is not good…

I have faced the same issue. My island code is 2105-4330-0183. Please follow the link that will take you to Google Drive, and you can check the videos for live editing where the checkpoints work fine. The other one is for the private or public versions where the checkpoints seem to be either not registered or the game doesn’t allow them to work, so what happens is when a payer hits the teleporter from the primary track to the secondary track, it works, but once a player crashes it in the secondary track it takes the player back to the primary track it’s like the checkpoints never exist they are only there.
live editing video proof
private or public version

After watching a youtube by Fortnite creative, they said the ‘primary track must go through the entire track’ I’ve been playing with this and still can’t get the car to respawn after the teleporter.

FNCreate YT video: Creating In Fortnite - Building Rocket Racing Tracks

My file: Google drive link because the video was too large.

Thank you for the report, @MrDJ2U. While we know this isn’t optimal, the team will examine how we can improve the process. For now, creators should be doing most final testing, particularly testing respawn logic, by generating and running private island codes.

Awesome thanks so much. I do push to private island often to check how it will be. That’s understandable.

I think I was able to fix some of my issues with a active track volume but I’ll have to do more testing and report back.

I was still having some issues with having multiple primary tracks in a non-looping track. Is that allowed? And if so, shouldn’t the player respawn on the primary track they are sent to?

Thanks for your help in advance!

Hello @MrDJ2U :slight_smile:

One of our engineers asked me to pass along this message for her. I hope it helps! :slight_smile:

Hi @MrDJ2UI made this image with your setup for you to follow my message. A,B,C with 1 and 2 represent the teleporter in and out connectionsFirst I wanted to clarify some things:

  • You can have ONLY ONE primary track in all your island: RR Track1 with green spline in the image
  • Secondary tracks, like RR Track2 and RR Track3 with blue spline in the image, are always connected to the primary track or to another secondary track. When you select these tracks in the editor, you can see the connections by the blue lines at the beginning and end of the track, they are marked with arrows in the image. These blue lines represent the locations/distances of your secondary track along the primary track
  • When testing respawn you must do it in private version or published
  • You will always respawn in the furthest point along the primary track that you have passedLooking at the image, RR Track2 and RR Track3 both are connected to the RR Track1 primary track at the same location. This means that when you ride to the end of RR Track2 and teleport to the beginning of RR Track3, the furthest point you have passed is the end of RR Track2, so when you die you respawn at this point.To fix this you have one of these options:
  1. Move RR Track3 so its connections to primary track are after the connections of RR Track2, and ensure that the checkpoint back to RR Track 1 (C2) is also after these connections. This way the locations along the primary track will be different for RR Track2 and RR Track3 and they will have the order you want
  2. Do not use secondary tracks and only use the primary track, so the spline goes from the first teleporter in RR Track1 (A1) to and along RR Track2, then to and along RR Track3, and then back to the other point in RR Track1 (C2)
  3. Wait for a future update in which we have implemented the ability to change secondary tracks to be “Independent”. You will see a property called Is Independent when selecting a secondary track, and it will allow you to have secondary tracks that are not connected to primary and that can be located anywhere in the map without affecting respawnThank you for letting us know about this problem. I hope you have more freedom in the future with the new independent tracks!

FORT-843485 is ‘Closed’ as ‘Fixed’. The issue will be addressed in 34.10.

Thank you for the clarifications!

Knowing that I can only have 1 primary track is an important distinction in design. I’ll adjust accordingly.

That makes sense when you look at it but not how I was thinking.

The fixes proposed further explain things and give me options so thank you very much!

This sounds very cool. Looking forward to it and thanks for telling me in advance!

I’m going to implement this in the three tracks I have in partial production that rely on teleporters. I’ll edit this the island codes. Thanks again.