Teleporter does not working during gameplay

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Hi, my current problem is that the main teleporter does not teleport me anywhere whenever I enter it when the game has started however it works fine in creative mode. I even tried to make it activate on enter but that did not fix it.

All is the option selected for enabled during game phase
The teleport is connected to a lot of teleports that are all under the same target group
The main teleport is on an unused group Z but group A or group None does not work either

Steps to Reproduce

I have a main teleporter in the spawn area (closed off by a mutator zone and for no shooting or building and also indestructible walls and floors), set a bunch of teleporters in the sky to be group A and skydive after teleport, main teleport target telport will be group A and it will change target after every entry.

Expected Result

You will teleport as normal to the other teleports during gameplay mode

Observed Result

You will teleport as normal to the other teleports during create mode but gameplay mode it does not work


PC Windows 10