Teleport client issues. Accessing variables

I am making a project where pushing a button on the HUD will store the Third Person Characters location. Pushing a second button will teleport the character to the location where they pushed the button.
It works on both the client and server with the exception that the cliemt respawns at 0,0,0 not the location saved.
I have the teleport location variable stored on the BP_Third Person Character. When you push the first button I can print string the location correctly. It just doesnt access the variable when called. I am calling it on a server run event and multicasting it.
Any help would be appreciated.

set the teleport location variable to replicate?

I tried that… I have managed to get both client and server to move to location by saving the transform in the save game. So when played on 2 devices it would work. But when testing on one machine it still doesnot remember and save the transform for the client. When i press the set button the transform shows, when i try to teleport it revert back to 0,0,0

Short answer… the Server needs to set the teleport location and do the teleporting.

Vars “DONT” have to be replicated, nor the event multicast.

Tested in Client mode w/2 clients


Thanks heaps RevOverDrive, I knew it would be something small I was missing. Again the forums here prove to be an amazing community. Thank you for your efforts.

Not a problem. UE Forums are the best!

Side note…

Do make sure that the server generates its own authoritative values in everything you do multiplayer. Never trust the client to send/pass trustworthy data.