Team size maximum doesn't work

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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Team sizing / regulation doesn’t work. There are trios in my duos maps, and once as many as 12 players in one of my trios maps. This issue has persisted for a year. I have tried to override it with verse, but that only made matters worse.

Steps to Reproduce

create a zone wars map (duos) using setting team size to “2”
in game, have more that 2 players enter a team portal

Expected Result

there should be no more than two players on a duo

Observed Result

when a third (or more) player(s) enters a team portal, it allows them to join the team, creating a highly unfair situation for other teams / duos.


PC Windows 10

Island Code


The status of FORT-729684 incident has been moved from ‘Ready for QA’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘By Design’

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