How do you make everyone start on the same team when you have multiple, I set up a team selector and when I play with multiple people they spawn on random teams instead of team 1
Use Island Settings - Team Size - Dynamic for assymetric teams.
I think, not sure though, if you set all the island start spawns to team 1 it will automatically assign all to team 1 on island start.
If that doesn’t work, you can use either a Class Selector Device and assign it to the spawnpads to change team on player spawned, or point the Class Selector Device to a Mutator Zone to set the team on a timer or game start or something
I’ll give it a try and see! The second option would break my game, I know there’s a way to do it, the same way bio zone wars or go goated is set up, can’t find anywhere the exact settings though
You can also put them on a team with Verse
I currently play on console and don’t have a pc, don’t think it may be an option for me at this moment