team rotation with 2 teams, is putting people on team 3


i have teams set to 2 and split evenly, after 1 or 2 rounds people go onto team 3 and spawn in the sky! game ruined no fix and this isnt the first time!
the game works as expected in uefn but as soon as i publish it it breaks

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

Island Settings

Steps to Reproduce

i dont even know how to reproduce this, but at 1 point i had 3 team settings device as after the objective is destroyed, team one goes to team 3 with only 1 life, i have since deleted the team 3 team settings, ive also duplicated all the spawns just in case and also re done all the settings in island settings

Expected Result

there to be 2 teams when i set it to 2 teams

Observed Result

players switch to team 3



Island Code


Additional Notes

my previous game went into discovery every time it was broken and was un fixable because of these bugs, it worked fine when in uefn and because of this i lost alot of money i spent on assets for the game and months of work down the drain,

Remove Team Rotation, it doesn’t work as expected, I remember reading some posts about how it generates new teams to rotate into in subsequent rounds.

If your using devices to manage your game end, maybe use some class selectors that effect one team and change them to the other.

The Island Setting Team settings are fairly general, its better to control your teams with devices/verse.

I have the same issue when enabling the Team Rotation in the island settings.

There is no problem when playing editor, but when playing through playtest, players sometimes switch to a new team (TEAM 3). I only have 2 teams.

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did you find a solution? I am having the same problem

no i didn’t find a solution, i had to make a pre game lobby that you could walk through alternating teleporters, to split teams evenly, it was a nightmare :frowning:

That sounds like a decent workaround in text…
I’ve been toying with using a couple of player counters, a set to count each team, another set to decrement from the total player count and enabling/disabling barriers on class selectors… similar in some way, but a bit messier than your idea, and probably more annoying for the players, getting physically blocked instead of waiting for the teleporter.
This would be a nightmare too… I’ll scrap that idea and go back to the drawing board.

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Yep, unfortunately this has been an issue for a while. This is a pretty big issue for round based combat maps so I’m surprised that this bug hasn’t even been acknowledged. It’s been complained about multiple times too. Is what it is I guess🤷🏻

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FORT-846716 has been ‘Closed’. We’re unable to reproduce this issue.

Could you modify this example code to assign to the team you want?

How to assign an NPC to a team using Verse | Epic Developer Community

Its an issue in private codes/published maps. It works fine in sessions. To properly reproduce the issue, you probably want two players at least in the game. Have two teams, split evenly. Have some way of ending the round through a device or something. Once the round ends and the next round starts, one of the players should spawn in the air and be on a third team. Hope this helps on reproducing the issue