Tax ID/ITIN needed for Non-US Sellers?

I’ve asked this question to the Marketplace Support and also in the FAQ thread, but didn’t get an answer.

I’m from Germany and would like to sell content on the Marketplace. Do I need to provide a tax ID (ITIN) to Epic so that no US taxes are subtracted from my earnings?
From reading this thread I understand that I need to provide an ITIN, otherwise 30% US taxes will be subtracted (in addition to the 30% fee for Epic). However, these posts are not by Epic staff.
But then there are posts by Epic staffthat basically say that an ITIN is not required. But maybe sellers lose money if they don’t provide the ITIN?

Please let me know if I need to get an ITIN if I don’t want to lose 30% of my earnings. Applying for an ITIN will cost me time and money, I don’t want to do it if it’s unnecessary. Please also add this information to the FAQ (or tell me where to look if I overlooked it).

Simple answer (for EU countries): No, you dont need to provide anything except your bank account. Everything else regarding taxes etc must be done by yourself.
