TArray of FHitResoult On Server - distance always return 0

Hi, I’m working on ShooterGame Project in UE 4.10.

After sending a TArray to a Server function all distances in array get a value of 0. I don’t know if it’s bug or I’m doing something wrong.

GetActor() returns local and on serwer always actor that was hit.

Thanks for answer! :wink:

Function On Server (Impact isn’t modified)

UFUNCTION(reliable, server, WithValidation)
	void ServerNotifyHit( const TArray<FHitResult>& Impact, FVector_NetQuantizeNormal ShootDir, int32 RandomSeed, float ReticleSpread);

void AShooterWeapon_Instant::ServerNotifyHit_Implementation(const TArray<FHitResult>& Impact, FVector_NetQuantizeNormal ShootDir, int32 RandomSeed, float ReticleSpread)

Debug Code:

switch (Role)
	case ROLE_Authority:
		roleStr = "Authority";
	case ROLE_AutonomousProxy:
		roleStr = "AutonomousProxy";
	case ROLE_SimulatedProxy:
		roleStr = "SimulatedProxy";
		roleStr = "Other!";

	for (int i = 0; i < Impact.Num(); i++)
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0, FColor::Green, "i=" + FString::FromInt(i) + ", Dystans: " + FString::SanitizeFloat(Impact[i].Distance) + " ROLE: " + roleStr );