TArray is the same for every players in Multiplayer - C++

Hey guys, so I have an Inventory which is an ActorComponent and in which I have a TArray of struct:

UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, meta=(AllowPrivateAccess = "true"), Replicated)
	TArray<FPlayerCharacteristics> PlayersCharacteristics;

Here is what the struct is made of:

struct FPlayerCharacteristics

	TObjectPtr<APlayerState> OwningPlayer;

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
	TArray<FCharacteristicsData> Characteristics;

I want to initialise my TArray with that function, which would just create an empty table that I could be able to find and populate later thanks to the corresponding PlayerState.

In my blueprint where I initialise my player, I run that function on the server side which is why I set my variable to Replicated in UPROPERTY().

void UCharacteristicsInventory::InitCharacteristics(UObject* WorldContextObject, ABaseCharacter* _OwningPlayer)
	if (WorldContextObject->GetWorld() == nullptr) return;

	OwningPlayer = _OwningPlayer;
	for (auto PlayerState : WorldContextObject->GetWorld()->GetGameState()->PlayerArray)

		if (PlayerState != OwningPlayer->GetPlayerState())
			FPlayerCharacteristics* PlayerCharacteristics = new FPlayerCharacteristics();

			PlayerCharacteristics->OwningPlayer = PlayerState;
			TArray<FCharacteristicsData>* NewArray = new TArray<FCharacteristicsData>();
			PlayerCharacteristics->Characteristics = *NewArray;


The problem is that it seems to be the same array for every players, when I launch the game here is what I get in the debug:

But when I press a key on each player to see what their TArray is containing, here is what I get:

I tried to make this TArray a pointer, it was working but it was instantly garbage collected because it wasn’t marked as UPROPERTY()

I would like to know how I could make my TArray unique for each players, thanks in advance!

I hope I made it understandable enough so someone can help me, if you need further information, let me know and I’ll do my best!

If your TArray<FPlayerCharacteristics> is in character class, then it is unique for each player. If it appears to be the same for everyone, then there is an issue with your update method, or with your retrieval method.

Also, don’t use new to initialize structs or arrays. Nor objects. In UE, never use new.
Arrays in structs are auto-initialized.

FPlayerCharacteristics PlayerCharacteristics;
PlayerCharacteristics.OwningPlayer = PlayerState;

Thanks for the explanation ! I’ll try to go further into debugging and see if I can finally get this to work