TArray and ListView

Happy New Year everyone!

I am building a menu in UMG using Itemview. The data is coming from my TArray Planets. In this TArray I have a Planet Name (FString) Planet Type (enum reference), Planet Description (FString), Planet Texture (Texture2d), Homeworld (bool), Owning Star (FString), and Num Cities on Planet (int32).

I was able to print string all the variables (save the texture2d).

I do not understand how to populate Listview with this TArray data. Individually I am able to show (display) the variables on screen via UMG. I have not been able to understand how to get the TArray to pipe that information into the Listivew.

I broke out the data individually like so:

I went into my PlanetList UMG widget where I did an Event on Listem Item, but found I was no better off on what I needed to do, if I broke the properties out again, how was I putting them into the pin for Listivew.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If more information is needed please let me know.

Again for clarity: I have tested my planets array… the information is all there as its supposed to be. I don’t understand what I need to do to get it to pipe into Listview.

Thank you in advance o/.

My temporary solution is a standard entry into the text box utilizing Format Text.

It doesn’t resolve the Texture2D, but it is usable while I continue to test and work. I am messing with a rich text block to see if I can get it to do what I want

My original question remains :slight_smile:

I was able to resolve this with the following steps (huge thank you to the forum posts about Listview and to LeafBranchGames for getting me on the path to resolution!

  1. Object for data containment for Listview object:

  1. Blueprint struct (tho I have since swapped it out for my C++ version

  1. Functions for my UMG menu that sets up the Listview passthrough

  1. Function in my Listview UMG widget with single entry design on designer), pushes the array info into the Listview scrollbox

  1. Ugly dev view verifying its functioning and populating.
