Happy New Year everyone!
I am building a menu in UMG using Itemview. The data is coming from my TArray Planets. In this TArray I have a Planet Name (FString) Planet Type (enum reference), Planet Description (FString), Planet Texture (Texture2d), Homeworld (bool), Owning Star (FString), and Num Cities on Planet (int32).
I was able to print string all the variables (save the texture2d).
I do not understand how to populate Listview with this TArray data. Individually I am able to show (display) the variables on screen via UMG. I have not been able to understand how to get the TArray to pipe that information into the Listivew.
I broke out the data individually like so:
I went into my PlanetList UMG widget where I did an Event on Listem Item, but found I was no better off on what I needed to do, if I broke the properties out again, how was I putting them into the pin for Listivew.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If more information is needed please let me know.
Again for clarity: I have tested my planets array… the information is all there as its supposed to be. I don’t understand what I need to do to get it to pipe into Listview.
Thank you in advance o/.