Take a single render or a hight-res screen shot

Hello everyone,

I would like to take a high res screen shot out of unreal engine 4 … How can i do that …can some one help me please

Sorry guys i go the answer from here … thank you very much

I got it from this question
Play In New Window Screenshots Rez Size?

if there is another way other than this please let me know …

In the Command Console, you use HighResShot

You can specify resolution by the following means:

Input in the form HighResShot 2560x1440 will create a screenshot of each level editor viewport 2560 by 1440 pixels.
Input in the form HighResShot 2 will create shots at the viewport resolution multiplied by 2.
These screenshots are saved as BMPs in your project’s Saved/Screenshots/Windows folder.


Thanks for the info :slight_smile:

In the top left corner of the viewport is a drop down menu. It has a panel named Take High Resolution Screenshot or something along those lines. It’ll open the High Resolution Screenshot Tool. You can make UE output all 16 bit of depth as EXRs. For some reason you can’t choose a custom resollution, only the multiplier, which is strange.

Hello, I’m new in Unreal, this tutorial help me a lot, thanks you so much
And I have a problem,
How can I save a high res screenshot to a specific location?

Hello, I’m new in Unreal, this tutorial help me a lot, thanks you so much
And I have a problem,
How can I save a high res screenshot to a specific location?

I’d love to know how to save a screenshot to an iPhones camera roll, can this be done? really stuck on this.

did you figure it out?

No, I can’t find the answer anywhere. Anyone?

No, I can’t find the answer anywhere. Anyone?