I wonder if it is possible to fully sync Niagara particles across several nodes in a multi-node nDisplay setup.
In my test setup (which doest not have the Nvidia Sync II cards that the final setup will have and is using Ethernet sync) I am unable to get the particles to remain in sync over any period of time. I am setting them as Deterministic (as mentioned in other posts like this) and they do appear in sync initially but over time they diverge. In my use case the particles need to remain on screen for a long time, maybe minutes.
I have tried spawning the containing Actor via a server command, make it replicate and even set the Niagara Update Mode to Desired Age, then proceed to Tick only on the Server and pass the server’s Delta Time to the Clients. None of that works.
I noticed that many of the Niagara modules actually contain Engine.DeltaTime inside them so I duplicated them and removed that, made it a fixed value. Still the particles spawn in sync and diverge after some time.
Is it at all possible to keep Niagara systems fully in sync across nodes on nDisplay? Is there any chance that once I have the final setup with proper nvidia hardware frame sync this issue will go away?
Thank you