Switching to 'VR Mode' at runtime

Good day. Is it possible to switch from a flat-screen mode, into VR mode, similar to how Microsoft Flight Simulator does it, in other words, without requiring a special VR-only build of the executable and without requiring a restart?


Hi LonesomeSoldier,

Have you tried using the ā€˜Enable HMDā€™ blueprint node? (Remember to set Enable to checked/true!)


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Thanks for the suggestion, I will give that a try.

Thank you @Astrotronic, that worked perfectly. I actually tried it before and it did not work, and today again it did not work at first, but then I found that it works when I have the SteamVR plugin enabled as opposed to the Oculus plugin. So maybe a bit of an odd issue, I donā€™t know if this is a bug or not, but I got it working anyway, thanks!

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plz help this not work on 5.4.1 with successful build, the vr works if i run Steamvr prior to opening project,
then i tried add these commands, and it tries load game still nothing

vr.enablehmd 1, vr.bEnablestereo 1, vr.pixeldensity 1

Hi Locateli,

Are you talking about a project that you want to start in VR as soon as you launch? (Thatā€™s what Iā€™m interpreting ā€œit tries load game still nothingā€ to mean.)

For that the first thing I would check is that ā€˜Start in VRā€™ is enabled in your Project Settings.

Otherwise, the next thing I would be curious about is which VR Plugins are enabled in your project.

ty this worked