Switching camera modes


In my game there are four type of perspectives:

TopDownStatic View, example the old school super nes rpg games on closed rooms
TopDownDynamic View, example the old DOS GTA I
Horizontal 2.5D view, example Duke Nukem Manhattan Project
forward 3D view, example Crash Bandicoot

Each level uses a diferent view.

So i was wondering what is the better way to handle this:

  1. Create 4 blueprints based on my character class, each one for each type of view and adjust the camera component according to the views.

  2. Create an Actor that handles an enum where in Editor later i can choose what type of level is the current one… then on BeginPlay of my player class i get a reference to that Actor and check what enum is configured, adjust the camera according to it controlled by switch-case

  3. any other tip?
