I wanna switch 3D widget in the same level, what should I do ?
Set widget in an actor? Or use different actor with widget?
I wanna switch 3D widget in the same level, what should I do ?
Set widget in an actor? Or use different actor with widget?
IMHO there is no big difference in 3d widgets with or without VR. I’ll recommend you to use widget switcher inside host widget for e.g. animation while transiting between widgets. So typically you would have 1 actor with 1 host widget, and bunch of widgets that can be placed inside widget switcher.
In my project (whitch is also VR), i simply created enum with the same order that is inside switcher. So, for widget switching i just calling transition event in host widget when i need it.
About widget switcher:
Yeah, I have tried widget switcher before seeing your answer, and it worked. Thank you anyway.
May I ask you another question? How can I interact with 3D widget using collision to call click event instead of using widget interaction component?