Swipe function for Penalty Shoot

I want to know about how to implement the touch swipe mechanism for Penalty shoot?

Hey @Jason389Fawakes!

Are you referring to a game, a project, or something else? Can you show us an example of the end result you are looking for? Also, can you show us what you have so far?

Any additional specifics or information you provide will go a long way in solving your problem.

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New to unreal engine and just thought to learn the basics, so wanted to know how to add the swipe mechanism similar to what we can see in PES game which now is eFootball, also haven’t started anything to show.

Hey @Jason389Fawakes,

Check out this non-Epic affiliated tutorials on swipe controls:

If you are looking for help with something more specific, please let us know more specifics about the exact mechanic you are trying to achieve.

Let me know if the above works for you!

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thank you but I have tried this but not working for me!

Hey @Jason389Fawakes,

Could you explain in detail the end result you are trying to achieve in your own words? Which part did not work for you? Could you share screenshots of what you have so far?


Here’s the Output I thought for game, imported the Goalkeeper’s action and created the montages for each movement.
Ball will get input from user and get points on scoring a goal!

Hey @Jason389Fawakes,

So what you are trying to pull off specifically is the swipe to shoot? Is that the what you are having trouble with so far? Please share screenshots of your blueprints and/or code that you have so far so we can see what you have and better understand what may be going wrong.

I followed the tutorial and when the error occurred rather checking the solution I deleted whole blueprint

Hey @Jason389Fawakes,

Unfortunately, we won’t be able to really give you a solution without going through the steps to see what went wrong. If you set up swipe controls again we can take a look at the error and help fix what went wrong.

We can definitely figure this out.

Create again the Blueprint as showing in the video

@Quetzalcodename Hello Sir I have uploaded the Screenshot as you asked.

Hey @Jason389Fawakes,

Okay, so now that we can see, what in particular is not happening or failing? Do you have any errors that appear when compiling or running the level? If so could you share those with us?

there is no error while compiling or when running, also is there any way to print the error out

Hey @Jason389Fawakes,

You would be able to copy and paste the error if you see it, for example, when you close the level after running. Since the error does not seem to be obvious, can you describe the error you are facing? The more specifics the better. What should it be doing vs what is it doing?

I’d start by investigating whether this node triggers at all:


I sense the script is in the ball BP which may not be a possessed Pawn and thus does not even have input processing enabled. @Jason389Fawakes Could you clarify?

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Hey @Jason389Fawakes!

Checking in! Was the issue related to the event not firing? If not, could you describe the requested specifics above?