Yes, when moving only root component will be used check for collision, this way to improve performance. I’m not sure but when you disable root collision i think it will use children collision to check.
Yeah makes sense to want to save perf here, though we have many options to increase collision detection at cost of perf. So, unless i’m missing option to change that behavior,
I’d like it to be available. It doesn’t make any sense to not have it.
Thanks for report! I was able to reproduce this in 4.7.6 as well as our main internal builds, and I’ve entered a bug report for issue (UE-16309). If it is determined that this is by design, I will enter a feature request for an option to be included in components. Thanks!
No update yet, but I’ve emailed developers about it. I’ll let you know if they’re able to provide any additional information. For now, using a collision component as your root that encompasses entirety of Actor in world is only way to use sweep with Set Actor Location. Thanks for your patience!
Shoot… That’s not really a good news for my project. Those blueprint i’m using are randomly choosing among several static meshes to spawn obstacles. I didn’t want to have a blueprint for each individual possible obstacle (which would be around 50 T.T )
This is something that developers have decided not to focus efforts on at this time, as they are currently focusing on high-priority crash and showstopper bugs.
I had this problem, found this thread and decided to write a function that solves it
It calculates offset between current and desired root transform, sweeps all children by that amount, finds shortest sweep time, puts children back where they were and moves root by original offset multiplied by smallest sweep time
May be useful for other who had this problem, feel free to optimize it
first person toolkit for free this month cannot function properly without this engine feature to cascade sweep to each child of a rootcomponent actor in a blueprint.
I need this function to work properly without this engine feature to cascade sweep to each child of a rootcomponent actor in a blueprint drawers will just clip player. Sweep should fix drawers clipping and throwing player around scene, if only sweep worked for children of root as it should. Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-16309)