I have defined my own UMG Widget in cpp code and have created one in editor. This widget is a wrapper that contains a Slate object, which wraps a SWebBrowserView. My Widget displays a SBox in editor, but the wrapped Slate object at runtime. Everything seems to be working, from Blueprint hooks ups, to event handling, and so forth. I get to the point of creating and displaying my SWebBrowserView (I can break in these calls and am certain the higher level stuff is functioning correctly). But… SWebBrowserView just does not render anything? I’ve attempted to set Content to an SWindow, but this has made no difference. Does anyone have an example of actually using SWebBrowserView in cpp code in a way that gets the browser to render? The official documentation is entirely unhelpful and there is something very unintuitive going on. All advice welcome! Thanks in advance.
Solved it:
During module start up, there now needs to be an explicit call to
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