- Remote private Swarm farm in Azure
- One small VM (sVM-sc) with SwarmCoordinator
- One high-mem VM (hmVM-sa) with SwarmAgent
- Local workstation connected to Azure via VPN
- Local workstation (W-sa) with SwarmAgent
- sVM-sc sees both hmVM-sa and W-sa in “Available, Unassigned” States
- W-sa enables “AvoidLocalExecution”
Lightmass lighting build bake:
- W-sa submits Lightmass lighting build
- sVM-sc assigns job to hmVM-sa
- hmVM-sa accepts job, in “Available, Assigned to [W-sa]”
- hmVM-sa never starts “Working for”
- W-sa can ping both sVM-sc and hmVM-sa
- Both sVM-sc and hmVM-sa can both ping eachother
- Neither sVM-sc nor hmVM-sa can ping W-sa
- 8008-8009 are open on all machines in both directions
- ICMP echo is enabled on all machines in both directions
Referenced UE4/Swarm pages:
- [][2]
- [][3]
- [][4]
- [][5]
- [][6]