Hi Bychop,
that seems like a bad path C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.4\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\DotNET\AutoReporter.exe. Could you verify if it exists on your machine?
The code above in Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealSwarm\Agent\Jobs.cs shows if the transferring of a required dependency fails an error will be thrown, otherwise a warning will be displayed.
Hi Luoshuang,
thanks for this comment! Unfortunatelly note that you are writing about “Pulling the channel has failed!” and the user asked about “Pushing the channel has failed!”. Those are two very different places in the code.
Nevertheless we are aware of the problem you’ve mentioned and it had been fixed since 4.6.
It is Pushing the channel, because the C# method PushChannel will be called remotely by PullChannel…and PullChannel will keep trying to call PushChannel when it fails, so we’ll see a lot of errors.
Anyway, I’m happy to see it fixed in 4.6.
Another problem usually happening is “ping failed”. An ad-hoc solution is just to remove the step of pinging and let the result of TryOpenConnection tell us if the remote machine is online.