I bumped up my RAM from 16gb to 32gb and now whenever I build lighting the Swarm Agent takes forever on Collecting Photons. Before the upgrade, it would do all the lighting in about 2 hours. Now it’ll take one hour just to do Collecting Photons (which took less than a minute before the upgrade) and simply doesn’t show any progress when processing mappings. It just won’t climb from 0%.
Before you ask - the RAM I added is of the same model and maker as that which was already installed on my pc
I actually have the same issue right now!
I let the lightmass run without shuting down it. my light is almost finishing to built and it took almost 1 week to make to built. Since my level is for Archviz i need the maximium quality so my setting was pretty high. If you let it go and don’t bother you will see the % increase after the collecting photons. Make sure you don’t have any error in the log of the swamn agent and if not you just need to wait and your light will built. I don’t know was is causing this, but iit will built.