Blueprints do not behave similary to static meshes when surface snapping. It will snap to the surface, but will not rotate to the surface normal. How can I work around this?
These two posts had the same issue, but no viable answers
Hello everybody!
I’m trying to use the UE’s functionality “Rotate to Surface Normal” with UEFN, it works for common static meshes I imported and placed into my map but if I try to use it with Fortnite assets, it snaps the actor to the surface but it doesn’t align it to the surface normal.
Anyone knows a way to enable it? It’s very useful when placing props or small objects around.
Thank you so much!
How do I mimic the same behaviour as with placing static meshes, when they rotate and “stick” to the surface or other meshes – but with blueprints?
I’m using blueprint actors to create entities that have lights and static meshes, and when placing them, it would be very convenient to have the same behaviour I can get when placing static meshes, which snap and rotate to surfaces of brushes or other static meshes.
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