Supported Maya Material Nodes in Unreal Engine


What are the supported material nodes in Maya that are also supported in Unreal Engine?

Example I know I can use Lambert, Phong Blinn etc. But can I use other renderer nodes like Pixar’s Renderman materials nodes?
How much tweaking would be required in such case?


UE4 using pbr materials, don’t like lambert phong stuffs.
You need to change all stuffs into pbr workflow.

I know i have to change the material in UE4 editor but what kind of Maya materials will require least amount of tweaking. Secondly, I want to test render in Maya before exporting so I was looking into Renderman Stuff


Have a look at some of the presentations / papers on physically plausible rendering. PPR is a fundamental step forward from the 1980s/1990s shader systems like blinn, phong, etc.

If you preview in Maya using a non-PPR shader, it will simply look different. You would need a close equivalent to the unreal shader to correctly preview textures in Maya before exporting - there isn’t really a workaround for that.

Fortunately, the Unreal shader is (roughly) a stripped down version of the ‘Disney principled shader’ that ships with RfM. If you read up on what epic took from the Disney paper, and what they left out, you should be able to get a very good approximation using renderman.

I looked into the Unreal Documentation. It says the engine only translates the default materials. So I think I will have to stick with them.

Thanks for taking time to assist me
