[SUPPORT] Touch Interface Designer

and don’t see “get a reference to self” also.
Do you have tut to integrate with lyra for 3.2.0?

@dathtp Check this out, it should interest you

I don’t see “touch designer controller” as your tut. you can take a look on my screen record for more detail.
2023-06-11 19-13-55.mkv (12.6 MB)

@dathtp Touch Designer controller has been removed since version 3.1. You must now use the Touch Interface Subsystem. The tutorial uses an older version of TID. I’ll have to redo the tutorial with the latest version of TID.

This may help

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Was able to pull down and work with the update, seems to of fixed the crash with VCEs really helped out with some extra events thanks; but do still see some leaks/errors upon stopping play in editor.

Also, the gesture recognizer doesn’t seem to be working as described in the documentation and videos. Has there been any changes into how that should be implemented?

@charlie_waysun Sorry to hear that you are still having problems with Touch Interface Designer. I want to provide a quality plugin, could you please contact me by email: support@lostingamestudio.com and tell me what you’re using VCE for, possibly with a video showing the problem. It would be very useful for debugging!

As far as Gesture Recognizer is concerned, there was no particular change in operation with the last update. What problems do you have with Gesture Recognizer?

Hi , I have a problem with the plugin!
I used the old plugins for my project, then use the new verson.3.1.3
All plugin was copy to project plugins folder, and delete in the engine plugins folder!
But when using the new verson, and package
the error show that:

PackagingResults: Error: DoesPackageExist: DoesPackageExist FAILED: ‘/TouchDesigner/Defaults/T_DefaultButton_01’ is not a standard unreal filename or a long path name. Reason: Path does not start with a valid root. Path must begin with: ‘/Engine/’, ‘/Game/’, ‘/Paper2D/’, ‘/AnimationSharing/’, ‘…/’

The error x4 for every single file in the “Defaults/T_xxxx” folder!

Hi @Sun1010

I’m sorry to hear about the problem you’re experiencing with Touch Interface Designer.

If I understand correctly, you copied version 3.1.3 from the engine’s plugin folder to your project, right?

Yes, the plugin has changed name several times, but Touch Editor is the name of the plugin in version 1. It looks like a redirection problem.

Which version were you using before updating?

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And are you currently using the default texture resources supplied with the plugin for your touch interface?

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Did you save your touch interface despite these errors?
Did you make a backup of your project before updating?


Ok, it’s definitely a redirection problem!

You can try the following solution:

  • Close the project
  • Locate the Config folder in the TouchInterfaceDesigner plugin folder->Config
  • In this folder, there are three .ini files
  • Add the following line
    +PackageRedirects=(OldName=“/TouchDesigner/”, NewName=“/TouchInterfaceDesigner/”, MatchSubstring=true)
    in BaseTouchInterfaceDesigner.ini and DefaultTouchInterfaceDesigner.ini
  • Open the project

Let me know if it works!

In the ini file, It all ready have the line:
+PackageRedirects=(OldName=“/VirtualControlDesigner/”, NewName=“/TouchInterfaceDesigner/”, MatchSubstring=true)
Should I add your line below it:
+PackageRedirects=(OldName=“/TouchDesigner/”, NewName=“/TouchInterfaceDesigner/”, MatchSubstring=true)
Or replace the exist one?


Can you tell me if in your project’s Config folder (not the plugin’s), in the DefaultEngine.ini file, you have this line ?


you should find it in the

Uhmmm, I even dont have the [/Script/TouchInterfaceDesigner.TouchInterfaceDesignerSettings]
:cold_face: :cold_face: :cold_face:
I checked my other project works well with your plugin, dont have that line too!


It simply means that you haven’t touched the parameters (Project settings), but I had to check.

Are you using the plugin in your project? I mean, have you created a new touch interface or are you using the default one?

I creat a new touch interface for every single project I made! But when I come back to my big ■■■ old project, this mesh up ! I think I should start from the beginning with this plugin, delete all and download new version!


The problem stems from using the plugin’s default resources in version 1 or 2 and then updating to 3.0+.

The redirection could not be made. To solve this problem, the engine needs to understand that you’re no longer using these old resources.

  • Try deleting the Intermediate and Saved folders from your project
  • Try to solve redirection problems with Fix Up Redirectors on the VirtualControlSetup asset
  • Temporarily set a different texture for your virtual controls (all layers)
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Thankyou, Best support! Nice plugin!

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You should make a discord channel! Or something like that to support user!

Hola amigo, llevo meses casi desde que salio usando este plugin, tengo varios juegos “exitosos” para un indie usando tu plugin, pero estoy con la creacion de uno nuevo, un juego nuevo, pero ultimamente estoy teniendo un problema al interactuar con un boton de la interfaz y se me crashea el unreal engine no se como solucionarlo, es parecido al error de el, la interfaz la tengo añadida al poseer del personaje protagista es decir, al poseer el personaje añado la interfaz a la pantalla, aqui dejo el crasheo. el evento ocurre cuando poseeo otro pawn, y uso los controles aveces, se crashea el editor.