Looking for info on if there is any support in development or current solutions for templated UFUNCTIONS and UPROPERTIES that can be exposed to BP.
For example I just want to make a BP function library that allows iteration over a TMap such like the standard cpp standard allows with containers, and UFUNCTIONS are apparently not allowed to be templated.
I don’t see custom types coming anytime soon, but there are existing workarounds for what you are trying to achieve.
For example, you can use wildcard type functions, which is what all the builtin container functions use for Blueprints. It may appear very strange at first, if this is your first peek at how the virtual machine works internally. But that doesn’t mean you cannot do it yourself.
Look into BlueprintMapLibrary.h for examples. Functions marked with CustomThunk are pretty much all functions accepting one or more wildcard parameters.
Alternatively, you could use wrapper structs. UStructs do not require every member to be UPROPERTY, so you can have pure-C++ members inside the struct, such as unions or raw pointers, and handle wildcarding in your own way.