[SUPPORT] ArchViz Explorer

Hey @KarlDetroit, How do I change the initial camera? I followed the steps described in the documentation but every time I press play the Bp_explorer_pawn camera position goes back to the initial one.

Hey @Ycaro_Rocha,

The initial in-game location should match the location of the Explorer Pawn in the editor by default. Please make sure that the Pawn Type is set to Explorer_Main_Pawn.

Feel free to send me a PM if you still have issues.

Hello, is it possible to do Section Views to many Buildings away from each other in the same Map, and how to do it if possible?

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We made a Google Sheets/CSV Add-On for ArchViz Explorer. It comes with a tutorial and will hopefully answer some questions in this forum.

It works in combination with the Runtime DataTable plugin.


Will ArchViz Explorer be upgraded in the future?

Are there any plans to develop a replacement for ArchViz Explorer?

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Hey @masanori-pola,

Thank you for asking.
There won’t be new updates for ArchViz Explorer. However, there is a slight chance that we will release a new product with more features and an overhauled framework someday in the future. :wink:


Hello @KarlDetroit,
I am in the process of adding a menu to the bar that has Home, Gallary, and Surroundings. I am adding in an additional menu called “Assets” which will allow the user to click and drag objects into the scene.

I have duplicated the menu from Surroundings as a starting point, but I cannot get it to open. It closes the other menu that is open, but the Assets widget is not opening. What would be the best approach of implementing a drag-and-drop asset library into this current system? Is there a way to implement a separate widget menu and use the menu bar button as a kind of hyperlink? Maybe I am taking the wrong approach. Thank you!

I want to add swiping on touch screens to the gallery, and I have no idea how. Can someone help me?
Thanks in advance!

how can i reduce the quality or something else to run the project on a computer who doesn’t have good memory or a good graphic card? Thanks

I have a few questions.
On touch screen, does anyone know, why some buttons need me to hold in order to activate the button? I added some buttons, but the original bottom right button that opens the “Exit” menu for example needs holding gesture.

Also on touch screen, I added a Combo Box (String), and it doesn’t open with a simple touch, only by holding and doing a magic trick. Does anyone know how to solve this? I tried searching for solutions, found nothing so far.

A simpler question is: how can I make so that when I select a Surroundings POI, the main building is in the background? Right now the pitch doesn’t change when selecting a different Surroundings POI.

Thanks in advance!

Hey @Hunubul,

On touch screen, does anyone know, why some buttons need me to hold in order to activate the button? I added some buttons, but the original bottom right button that opens the “Exit” menu for example needs holding gesture.

UE is firing the touch event twice. Once when doing the initial touch and once again after release. You will notice that we added Gate Nodes on our checkboxes to avoid that.

You can also try the following method I found on Reddit. (I do remember that it fixed the issue):

how can I make so that when I select a Surroundings POI, the main building is in the background? Right now the pitch doesn’t change when selecting a different Surroundings POI.

Make sure you enabled Change Pitch? under the Focus Settings of your POI? Please send me a message if you still have issues.

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At Unit search when I click on the 360 Panorama image button in the gallery, the image is black, can you help me solve it?
Thank you!

Hey @mvmoris,

I would need more information in order to help. Can you share a screenshot and/or send me a PM?


Update v2.1 for Unreal Engine 5.1 is live! Here are the Update Notes: https://karldetroit.com/ue4-archviz-explorer-update-notes/

We also want to mention that we recently came into contact with the fellas from Vagon Streams. They are leaders in cloud computing and virtual machines and are now offering their pixel streaming service for the Unreal Engine.

In the past, we intensively tested and sometimes recommended different streaming solutions. However, Vagon Streams is setting a new benchmark regarding reliability, speed, and customer support.

Their platform offers the following features:

  • No code integration
  • Latest generation RTX-enabled NVIDIA GPUs
  • Lightning Speed Connection Option
  • More than 20 locations to provide no latency experience - including all continents North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.
  • Fully Customized - White Labeled Streams
  • Password Protected Streams
  • Visitor Stats
  • Audio & Microphone Support
  • Gamepad Support

You can find more about them here: Vagon | Streams - No code, interactive cloud streaming

We were fascinated by their service, and so we decided to add an affiliate banner to the project, which is directing you to their website. :slight_smile:


Hello Ozturk Brothers, First of all, my congratulations for what you have managed to create, it is absolutely brilliant.
Regarding the 360 image, I replaced the image with one from our archive and unfortunately it is black in Standalone, (Photos attached),

I solved it for the moment, but the transparent blue circle appears and when I zoom it disappears,



I’m using ComboBoxString on touch screen. Any idea how to make it accept swipe inputs? Or at least widen the scroll bar?

Where Can I download 2.0 or above version? Because I try on Marketplace and doesn’t work, just 1.9 version.

@KarlDetroit hey
i have issue with left click with the mouse on run time which it doesnt work and doesnt orbit about the main pawn if u can help me i will appreciate that

Thanks for the mention @KarlDetroit :sunny:

For all, who would like to test Vagon Streams just reach us, we will be happy to meet!

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