Substrate=True => Packed Build (Callstack Crash Warning)

If I have Substrate active in the project (UE 5.2) and create a build here and then execute this build (client), a crash occurs at the beginning, which does not terminate the .exe, but is still annoying:
LogOutputDevice: Warning: Ensure condition failed: oldValue == newValue […\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\HAL\ThreadingBase.cpp] [Line: 310]
LogOutputDevice: Warning: oldValue(1) newValue(0) If this check fails make sure that there is a FTaskTagScope(ETaskTag::EParallelRenderingThread) as deep as possible on the current callstack, you can see the current value in ActiveNamedThreads(102), GRenderingThread(d72fecc0), GIsRenderingThreadSuspended(0)

This problem does not occur in the editor, only in a build.
I have already tried various settings, but without success, except for deactivating substrates.


Did you ever find out a solution?

Edit: I got fixed it by fixing some of the “Access None” in BPs. It doesn’t make any sense, especially considering that those errors were related to some small audio triggers upon overlapping with a player.