Substrate bug with single layer water material?

Volumetric clouds render in front of single layer water materials. I’ve tested on a new project with Substrate enabled and disabled and gotten the same result.

Is there any way to work around this?

What about scalability high?

I did test on a fresh project and got the same result, but to be sure i just went through each scalability option and they all give the same result.

here’s another angle from on top of the water also:

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This is SLW in front of clouds


( no substrate ).

I’m probably missing something…

turn on substrate, it’ll render behind the clouds.

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Sorry, I misread your initial sentence.

There might be a switch somewhere, but I can’t find it… :rofl:

report it as a bug

Done it. I assume all i can do is either turn off Substrate or wait for them to fix it?

Most likely, yes. You can try posting in the substrate feedback thread, the substrate devs actively monitor it for issues. But most likely… the answer is you’ll just have to wait.

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