Substance Painter to UE4

Hi there, I’m having a few troubles with the metallic reflections and the roughness in UE4.

I exported the textures in UE4 (packed) from SPainter, and configured the RGB Channel to AO, Roughness and Metallic.

This how looks like in SP:

But in Unreal engine ocurred two things, in the Static Mesh canvas I see the textures in a properly way but not the desire roughness or metallic:

But in the scene looks like that, even rebuilding the lights:

Although the Sbrar materials are working fine. Thanks in advance!

The imported combined AO, roughness and metalic map, in UE4, did you disabled the sRBG checkbox on it?


No, I activated it. Do I have to uncheck it? I will try, right now!

Hey, i’m working with a team, and we want to know;
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If I uncheck the sRGB cant link the texture in the material.

Right now I’m working on an Environment Project just to show on in my Portfolio. I’m preparing it for an apply for a mentorship plan. Either way thanks for your interest.

Hi there!

After unchecking the sRGB box on your texture, click on your Texture Sample node in your material and make sure the **Sampler Type **is set to Linear Color instead of Color


Finally I could solve the issue adding reflection volumes, adding more lights (sky lights and a few point lights) , adding a Sphere Reflection Capture and Enabling “Use High Precision Tangent Basis” that fixed several problems related to the seams and the propagation.

Thanks to everyone.