[Submitted] Impromptu Fire Propagation

Read the last point, I can probably do a thing about it. And I’m not talking about AAA companies. There’s a level between “newcomers and tryharders” and AAA development - small companies who ship. It’s not a small market.

wanna bet? you are closeminded if you think that mate . i can make a game ship it how will you prove that the blueprint it’s made by you lol you make me laugh

Ok old mate

straight to the point to be honest i like the system and a fair price i would say max 30$

Thanks for the data

Hi ,
119$ , i think you are in top 5 overpriced ! :wink:
You will make a lot of money with it :stuck_out_tongue:
Have a good day

Many “high” priced assets etc… on the marketplace are worth their price but the problem is, the market or let’s say the customers can’t afford them.
Especially not the indies, a lot of users posted all the time, what 20USD a month for UE4, thats to much… why not Free ? etc… actually 20USD was not much but
for the mass it was simply to much. So pricing something at 100USD is definitly a bit gambling in my opinion even if it is worth the money.

$100 = 5 or so hours of my time (going by my last, near minimum wage job), so I think it’s worth and I’ll probs pick it up if/when I get some more work in.

I’m one of those people that doesn’t need the system, but would certainly use it in if I had it. For the price it doesn’t bring me off the fence. More power to you, and I have heard great things about your stuff! :slight_smile:

But the problem with the price is you might only get the ones who must have it to complete their project, and the rest of the people who are on the fence about it may not want to invest. Just my .02! Good luck!

Very well said :slight_smile:

I personally am thrilled to pay the $100 though I would personally be willing to pay up to $150 for this item, but I also understand the points made by others and the lowest I would ever suggest you take the item is $80, any lower and you’re truly doing a disservice to yourself…

I am kind of in the same boat however we actually do need a fire propagation system (I’ll be honest it isn’t high on our priority list) though we will most likely create our own further down the line BUT that is most likely not going to stop me personally making a purchase of this item nonetheless just to see what I can learn from 's Blueprint system as we will most likely be doing most of our internal fire propagation system in C++ over that of Blueprints.

Just wanted to drop in here and say that this system looks amazing! Keep up the excellent work! :slight_smile:

I was shocked by the prize too, but in the end that’s not the real problem for me. The problem for me is that I have no idea if those 100$ are well spent or not.
If there would be a way to get some kind of demo, that would be great. But I do realize that this might not be possible due to the way the asset works. The only legitimate way would be me asking you to trust me and asking for the asset, and I do realize that I ask you to trust me that:
a) I buy it when I like it
b) I will be honest and won’t just keep it even if I say “No, it’s not what I’m looking for” or just try to replicate it in some way
c) I don’t share it
Asking for this amount of trust towards a strange on the internet would be insane, but sadly the only other way in this case would be piracy or just plain giving up.

Now a bit of rambling about the people claiming that this costs too much (please don’t continue this in this thread, it’s worse enough that I do this, so sorry for that):
If you are not willing to pay a reasonable amount of money for someone’s work, then you shouldn’t try to get into the game industry, because this industry is all about that (or should be). Respecting each other and the work they do is an important part of this and sadly many people seem to forget that. Just thinking in a humane way would actually help resolve many of these “Uhhh this is too much” issues. The creator should be able to get some value out of his work. It’s one thing if it’s really not worth it, that is a possibility yes, but be honest and give valid points why this isn’t worth the price. Maybe it doesn’t work like promised or it looks bad, something must be giving you the impression that this asset isn’t worth the money. Just claiming something without trying to give arguments is nothing more than hot air, which also makes you look like a spoiled brat.

I do realize there are some people who really can’t afford it, despite their best efforts, but in these cases try to talk to the creator. Most of them are not inhumane beasts and show understanding, so try it. Asking is not that hard and doesn’t cost you a buck. Unless you pay per KB for you internet, then it might cost you something…


PS: Again sorry for hijacking your thread Joe, just wanted to show some support.

If it interests people, i could post a packaged build so that you can run around and burn stuff and see if you like the default behavior or have performance concerns. It wouldn’t show you the graphs or let you mess with settings, but still useful maybe? Let me know

That is a pretty good idea. I would appreciate it.

I do feel a few people are being quite hostile towards you for the pricing but I think that’s a bit excessive. You priced it at what you thought was fair which is fair enough.

Having said that, I do feel you’ve slightly out-priced a lot of potential customers. I would love to buy this, but as a dev in a (very) small team, it doesn’t represent good value. This is a more ‘nice-to-have’ product rather than an essential one like materials etc. If this was priced around $50 - $60 I would very much consider it but at almost double that I’m afraid you lost me :frowning:

Keep up the good work though, I’d be keen to see what else you have planned!

Thanks mate. We’ll see how the sales shake out in the first report in two months :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Joe,
Awesome Blueprint it works perfectly, I have one question regarding the size is it possible to scale the flames or probably start smaller flames then gain size, because I’m creating an interior scene they start a little too big for me.

Looking foreward hearing from you

Haha, I just saw this and the $99. Having worked on fire propagation in the past, when we built it from scratch, I have to say stitching a few blueprint nodes together and spawn a few emitter systems is not worth $99 if it comes mouth ready like in UE4.

This should be a good exercise for people. All emitters (fire/smoke) are actually included in the starter content.
I mean it is nice work and everything, but can be easily achieved in UE4.

Hi Polyplant! The subjective theory of value is a theory of value which advances the idea that the value of a good is not determined by any inherent property of the good, nor by the amount of labor required to produce the good, but instead value is determined by the importance an acting individual places on a good for the achievement of their desired ends.

I actually haven’t got anything in there for increasing the size of flames over time, but it’s a modification you could make pretty easily in the Firecell blueprint. The current behaviour is to scale the particles with the size of the fire cells - so that if you elect to have large cells because precision isn’t a big deal in your context the fire still appears contiguous between cells - with some random deviation. This is all set up in the firecell class in the comment box labelled “ignition” - look for the Set Relative Scale 3D node acting on the emitters. You can change the values here to make your flames smaller.

Great looking stuff, Joe. Wish you nothing but the best.