Heyo. I just submitted this fire propagation system:
Interested in feedback generally, and also specifically on what people would consider a good price point, etc.
Heyo. I just submitted this fire propagation system:
Interested in feedback generally, and also specifically on what people would consider a good price point, etc.
Ya’ll should totes mcgroates vote for my fire propagation system on the trello
Think of your embarrassment if you missed your opportunity to vote
Looks hot!
Voted =]
This would be perfect for a game I am working on as I need forest fires, especially spreadable ones. Would definitely purchase
It’s not a joke but for 4$ or 5$ probably thousands of Sale and more in the time
if you want more , probably hundreds sale in the time.
Your pack is really specific , I no need it , but for 4$ or 5$ i will buy this just for learning.
Good .
Edit : Voted !
I definitely voted for this as not matter what kind of game I am making I would find a way to use it. I’m sure you will put a fair price on the Marketplace when it gets on there, my suggestion would be around $25-30.
No doubt this is very game-specific, for sure. I can’t think of a reason that I’d need it at the moment. However, don’t sell yourself short. If someone needs it, they’ll buy it. They’d still be saving money on hiring someone else to do it for them!
That aside, it’s bloody awesome fella!
Thanks ya’ll! Up to 57 votes, so I’m guessing it’ll be up reasonably soon
Pricing like your ladders pack would still be more than reasonable, very nice package here!
Voted, hopefully it looks decent/good in VR as it does on the screen.
Thanks ya’ll.
@SaviorNT (I dunno if tagging works here) I have briefly tested it in Vr, and it looks alright, but that’s going to depend on the particle systems you use. You’ll probably want more, smaller particles rather than biggish cards. You can easily swap out the particle system I use for your own.
This is available now!
99$ ? 1 april is over…
It’s early days for the marketplace and we don’t have stats yet, all pricing is pretty experimental.
If anyone would like to help out and give me extra data that I can use to figure out appropriate pricing, you can:
-Note down the time and date
-Open up UE4 and implement your own fire propagation system, more or less on par with mine in terms of functionality
-When done, note down how long you took in hours
-Multiply that number of hours by what you believe to be a reasonable hourly rate for the work
-Post that number (ideally, show your work!)
It’d be a big help, but I understand if you don’t have the time.
if you tell me that you ask a high price becouse you worked x number of hours you failed badly, but it’s your system so your make the price . My advice is if you don’t want your product to have low sales and to get your product pirated in 2 days you should make a better price. This is how the system works expensive = pirated = low sales , affordable price = many sales = no reason to pirate it . have fun
In my experience, pricing a product for online markets based on the hours you worked out in your head is never a good idea. I was also taken slightly aback by the pricing on this. I think I’ll wait till this goes on sale one day.
Totally all G if you reckon it’s too expensive. Like I said, all pricing is experimental and marketplace sellers are pretty much operating blind right now, we don’t get any remotely real time stats so it’s hard to gauge. I would be interested in what ya’ll think would be a reasonable price, and also what you would actually pay (might not be the same thing).
There are things on the marketplace that I want to buy but can’t afford, but my thought process is “that is because I do not have enough money to pay what that is worth”, not “that person has priced their item too high”.
Re: pricing based on hours being a bad idea: I think you’re partly right in that, yeah, it often doesn’t work out. I also think that anyone who’s developing a game and needs a feature has a choice to make as to whether they implement it themselves or buy a prefabbed one, and financially they’re almost always going to come down on the prefab side because it’s just a better financial choice. So basically, at $100, I might not get the buy of the indie dude who just wants to screw around with it, but I’m pretty likely to get the buy of a person who’s planning to ship.
I also think that it’s the responsibility of contributors to a marketplace, especially early on, to value labour and not contribute to a culture of undervaluing labour which is super prevalent right now and isn’t super sustainable for creators. I think it is damaging to the community generally when someone spends weeks or months on some incredible thing and then charges a buck for it. People think because it cost a buck that’s how much it’s worth. I think it’s good for everyone if work is valued.
Here are some points:
-When you purchase (a license to use) already-created work, it’s not the same as buying a bag of chips. You’re paying a small up-front cost in order to save yourself the much larger time-and-financial cost it would take to do the work yourself. When it comes to my fire, your choice is literally A) Pay me $100 to use mine, B) pay some competitor some other, presumably lesser amount to use theirs, C) build your own at far greater real-world cost (totally legitimate choice if you have time but lack money, of course) or D) don’t have this feature in your game. The price is $35 less than you’d pay someone to work eight hours at minimum wage with no breaks.
-I think it’s pretty well-established that setting pricing on a product in a way that yields to piracy is as bad a move as attempting to manually prohibit piracy with DRM. I think that content producers, as a whole and in the long run, can’t afford to set prices low as a sort of “oh god, please don’t pirate my thing” maneuver. Everybody loses with a race to the bottom.
-When a person ships a commercial product which uses marketplace content, it should be a pretty trivial operation to check their company information against the list of buyers, figure out what’s happened and take whatever legal action.
Having said all that, there’s threads already on marketplace pricing so let’s move it over to one of those if you want to keep going.
us the indie, regular devs newcomers , tryharders are buying this products, you are making a huge mistake if you think that an AAA company will buy this kind of products. Oh and about this “I also think that anyone who’s developing a game and needs a feature has a choice to make as to whether they implement it themselves or buy a prefabbed one” or they can torrent pirate it and you can’t do a thing about it even if i release it comercialy