Stylized Waterfall


I found this awesome Unity waterfall shader:

I would like to reproduce it but I don’t know where to start. Does anyone have any useful ressources that would help achieve this kind of effect?

The VFX of RIME GDC talk is worth watching.

Also, take a look at this 2 part series by Rodrigo Villani, it sohuld get you up to speed on projection in UE4:

Then look at this short tutorial on using noise with the panner node:UE4 Flowing Noise Material tutorial - YouTube

These should give you a good idea of where to start and what to seek out to learn. Once you’ve got a grasp of the topics covered in those tutorials I linked, you should be able to take the code examples from the images you linked and recreate that in UE4’s material blueprints.

Good luck!

Thanks a lot for the links! :smiley:

I’ve already watched the GDC talk and it is pretty awesome. But I was wondering if his technique was suited for a mobile game, since it is using a lot of vertices and displacement.

The two other links seem very useful, I’ll check that out. Thanks again!

Thanks again wickerman! I’m still trying to figure out who to find the edges of a plane in order to reproduce the foam effect. But the links you gave me earlier really helped a lot! :wink: