Hi Everyone, I’m using Rider and having issue like this.
Sometimes my editor just stuck at compiling, nothing happen (no CPU or RAM is increased. Just stuck at the line “action start”
CONSOLE: L:\UnrealEngine\UE_5.3\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat TestEditor Win64 DebugGame -Project="E:\UnrealTut\Test\Test.uproject" -WaitMutex
0>Using bundled DotNet SDK version: 6.0.302
0>Running UnrealBuildTool: dotnet "..\..\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.dll" TestEditor Win64 DebugGame -Project="E:\UnrealTut\Test\Test.uproject" -WaitMutex
0>Log file: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log.txt
0>Building TestEditor...
0>Using Visual Studio 2022 14.37.32822 toolchain (E:\Application\VisualStudio\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.37.32822) and Windows 10.0.22000.0 SDK (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10).
0>Executing up to 24 actions based on MaxProcessorCount override
0>------ Building 4 action(s) started ------
But it’s not like I have changed anything too much in source. For Ex: I click Ctrl + F5 to build source. After successful, I just click Ctrl + F5 to build again, but it’s just stuck there. Do you have any idea about this weird problem?
P/S: My CPU: AMD X5900, GPU: 3070, RAM: 64Gb 3200.