Struct not being displayed in data table

I am not sure whether or not this is a bug report or a feature request, as this may be intended behavior, but I have a data table that uses the struct MyDataStruct: {MyVar, ArrayOfAnotherStruct, ArrayOfMyVar}
AnotherStruct looks like this: {MyVar, MyVar}

MyVar and ArrayOfMyVar are previewed as I would expect them to, but ArrayOfAnotherStruct is not previewed at all despite it being populated with items:

Hi ,

  • Does this occur on a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
  • Do you have a test project or asset I can look at to reproduce this on my end? I have attempted this but thus far have been unsuccessful.

I migrated the data table to a blank project, and inside of the folder ‘BUGGED_STUFF_HERE’ is the migrated files (everything link textused by the datatable). The project is only 11kb, so I’ve attached it to this comment.
Once in the project, look in the data table asset, and you’ll see the 1st row ‘BlueMarlin’, and the 2nd column (the array of structs) is populated, but not previewed.

Hi ,

I was able to reproduce this on my end and have entered a bug report, UE-23978, to be assessed by the development staff. It does seem limited to the first enum selection within the enumeration being called by the struct, so a potential workaround would be to add a NULL value to the first selection within an enum to act as a buffer, allowing you to continue selecting the additional enum values and populate the datatable accordingly.

I modified the struct used in the array, and it now displays properly.

Good to see you found a solution. This post came to me in my search today, however the solution is not what I was searching for. I was trying to create a DataTable in the editor and select my C++ Struct, from the dropdown when creating the table. I was stuck for a good day or two.

struct YOUR_API FStructData: public FTableRowBase

The struct is required to inherit from, FTableRowBase, to be picked-up by the editor.

This may not be helpful to the OP issue, but I’ll put this here as I was lead here from a net search.

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