Do you get these errors during compilation or runtime? I just copy-pasted your code into sample project and it compiles fine.
One thing I can think of is that you keep this struct alone in header file. I mean you only have this struct in header file. If thats true then try putting this struct into header file of other class (with UObject or AActor) or try adding dummy class at the bottom of your ARGPlayerBaseAttributes.h file like so:
class UDummyClass : public UObject
The file you are in at the moment does not know unreal macros (GENERATED_USTRUCT_BODY, USTRUCT, UPORPERTY, etc).
Solution 1: Remove all Unreal Macros.
Solution 2: Include something to know the Unreal Macros. (Some suggest creating a dummy class, which will cause the import of all the default things, or generated header files)