Striving for Photorealism in UE4

That is just… wow.

Awesome work , keep it up! =)

Well done @ ! I love the grass :slight_smile:

Okay that new images looks even better.

I want to live in these scenes. Way to go! I would love to see a breakdown as well.

All I can see are photo’s, where are the screenshots from inside UE4? :wink:

nice job Brother!

keep it up!

Dude try make an area from real life like a city!

Well done - The boards used for the steps might be a bit thicker - probably would be 4 cm thick if government issue!

please provide breakdow…youtube channel?

I noticed nobody was curious on what machine you’re getting 60+ fps with some of the scenes. I’m just trying to figure out where this is going in terms of realtime vs photorealism.
EDIT: forgot to say… this is insane good. I’d love it if you would share anything at all but the least I can say this is a **** good reason to be proud of yourself :slight_smile:

Soo nice, the grass is looking as it is supposed to be :wink:

I would be interested in a breakdown too :slight_smile:

+1 for a breakdown. Please share some knowledge. Your stuff is awesome.

Looks awesome! Could you share your materials on the marketplace? They look amazing! Keep up the good work!!!

That grass looks amazing. Keep up the good work!

Hi @

Nice work!!! Ireland?

You used world machine for landscape?
And the grass? It is only the instanced foliage meshes or you have used imposter sprites and FuzzyShading in the material editor?

Man…thats some really really great work! :slight_smile: Love the atmosphere and how simple but striking it is!

Cheers Daedalus

Hi @

Thats awesome, can you share another render pass. Could be great.


This looks so realistic, very good work indeed. Mind me asking what you used to make the meshes?


PS Look forward to the finished product

Are you sure those aren’t real photos? Lol, fantastic job! Keep going!