Strings to Enums in Blueprint. Possible?

Hi - I have an array of names (which I could obviously convert to strings if needed) and I want to populate an enum with them. Is this possible to do in Blueprints?


Hey there @HappyKat100! Here’s a couple threads that have asked this and gotten solutions before. Hopefully these can provide some insight!

Thanks @SupportiveEntity. Yeah I saw the String to Enum blueprint thread but they’re not actually creating enums, rather they seem to be creating arrays from enums (I want the opposite). I’m trying to see if it’s possible in blueprints, without C++.

The ‘Set Value as Enum’ function looks like it might be a way to do it but it’s unclear how to actually use that to build items from a string/name array into an enum ??

Also, for reference I’m building an editor tool which creates an array of names based on some conditions. I want to therefore select an item from the array in the inspector rather than having to type in the name I’m looking for. So, this doesn’t happen at runtime but in the editor using a blutility.