What I want to do is easy but I cannot figure it out.
static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UStaticMesh> GroundShape(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Shapes/Ground/ground_shape_1.ground_shape_1'"));
The code above is the think I want to achieve. However, it is going to be a dynamic version of it. For instance rather than ground_shape_1, I want the number 1 to be non-static. I want version like ground_shape_1, ground_shape_2, ground_shape_3 and so on. However, I do not know how to format a TEXT.
FString::Printf(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Shapes/Ground/ground_shape_%d.ground_shape_%d'"), i);
The code above looks fine but FObjectFinder just does not want FString but TChar only.
Any Suggestions?