Hi all, I have some questions and problems when streaming a level loaded from a pak file. What I basically wan’t to achieve is that another developer can create a pak file with any level in it and my game can load and unload this level. I don’t know if this is the best way to achive this but currently I am doing the following:
// Mount pak
// List levels in pak
TArray<FString> LevelsInPak = PakFileSubsystem->GetPakLevelContent(PakFilePath);
// Reload asset registry to load assets from pak file
FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>("AssetRegistry");
AssetRegistryModule.Get().ScanPathsSynchronous({"/Game/"}, true);
// Stream Level
bool bOutSuccess = false;
ULevelStreamingDynamic* LevelStreaming = ULevelStreamingDynamic::LoadLevelInstance(
// Check level streamed load status
if (bOutSuccess)
// Load level to scene
The loading in the editor actually works fine and I can succesfully see the level in the scene. Altough I don’t know why I have to reload the asset registry. Other similar solutions didn’t had to do this, but it doesn’t work without it.
However if I end the simulation or if I unload the streamed level, the whole editor crashes with the following error:
Error LogWindows appError called: Assertion failed: LevelStreaming || GetActorCount() [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\WorldPartition\WorldPartitionRuntimeLevelStreamingCell.cpp] [Line: 630]
I tried looking into the source code but I didn’t quite understand what they are doing there. Also note that this is only the case if I play the game in the editor. If I run a packaged version of the game the unloading works totally fine.
However in the packaged version of the game there is another problem with loading the level. In the editor the loaded level looks totally fine. Here is an example (really basic):
In the packaged game the same loaded pak level looks the following:
So my question mostly is if there is anything I am doing wrong here because some things only work in the editor and some things only work in the packaged game. Also with the crashes in the simulation this is really annoying to test so there has to be a better way of doing this.
Note that there are some other errors logs, which happen without any action while playing the game so I don’t know if it’s related to thisbut I’ll attach a full log just in case:
Full Log of play in editor (Streaming level from pak, then ending the simulation)
Display LogPakFile Mounted Pak file 'C:\DEV\TestEnvironments\1\map.pak', mount point: '../../../ArtistPluginDevelop/Content/'
Display LogPakFile Mount point '../../../ArtistPluginDevelop/Content/' is not mounted to a valid Root Path yet, assets in this pak file may not be accessible until a corresponding UFS Mount Point is added through FPackageName::RegisterMountPoint.
Log LogTemp Pak Valid: C:\DEV\TestEnvironments\1\map.pak | MountPoint:
Log LogPackageName FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../../ArtistPluginDevelop/Content/' mounted to '/Game/'
Log LogDirectoryWatcher A directory notification for 'C:/DEV/Unreal/mrsv-unreal-client/Content/' was aborted.
Log LogFileCache Scanning file cache for directory 'C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.4/ArtistPluginDevelop/Content/' took 0.01s
Display LogTemp Found level /Game/pakTest/Levels/NewMap.NewMap in loaded pak, trying to stream now
Warning LogLevel Failed to find streaming level object associated with '/Game/UEDPIE_0_ClientMainMap'
Display LogTemp Level /Game/pakTest/Levels/NewMap.NewMap successfully stream loaded to scene
Log LogBlueprintUserMessages [MRSVClientActor_C_UAID_14F6D8D90EBCC42802_1703645232] State Changed: Ready
Warning LogLinker [AssetLog] Pak: C:\DEV\TestEnvironments\1\map.pak\pakTest\Levels\NewMap.umap: Asset has been saved with empty engine version. The asset will be loaded but may be incompatible.
Warning LogLinker [AssetLog] Pak: C:\DEV\TestEnvironments\1\map.pak\SimpleTestControlsActor.uasset: Asset has been saved with empty engine version. The asset will be loaded but may be incompatible.
Log LogSourceControl IssueAsynchronousCommand: UpdateStatus
Log LogSourceControl status of 1 items (ShouldUpdateHistory=0, ShouldGetOpenedOnly=0, ShouldUpdateModifiedState=0)
Verbose LogSourceControl /Memory/UEDPIE_0_D8W59309066BXMJRIGW23PXNX_InstanceOf_/Game/__ExternalActors__/ClientMainMap/A/RC/SKQ3FCB5AJDRG01JA97K0Z is out of the Workspace
Verbose LogSourceControl RunUpdateStatus: 1 file(s)/0 directory(ies) ('/Memory/UEDPIE_0_D8W59309066BXMJRIGW23PXNX_InstanceOf_/Game/__ExternalActors__/ClientMainMap/A/RC/SKQ3FCB5AJDRG01JA97K0Z'...)
Log LogSourceControl UpdateStatus of /Memory/UEDPIE_0_D8W59309066BXMJRIGW23PXNX_InstanceOf_/Game/__ExternalActors__/ClientMainMap/A/RC/SKQ3FCB5AJDRG01JA97K0Z processed in 0.072s
Log LogWorldPartition ULevel::OnLevelLoaded(NewMap)(bIsOwningWorldGameWorld=1, bIsOwningWorldPartitioned=1, InitializeForMainWorld=0, InitializeForEditor=0, InitializeForGame=1)
Display LogWorldPartition WorldPartition initialize started...
Log LogWorldPartition UWorldPartition::Initialize : World = /Game/pakTest/Levels/UEDPIE_0_NewMap_LevelInstance_1.NewMap, World Type = PIE, IsMainWorldPartition = 0, Location = V(0), Rotation = R(0), IsEditor = 0, IsGame = 0, IsPIEWorldTravel = 0, IsCooking = 0
Log LogWorldPartition UWorldPartition::Initialize Context : World NetMode = Standalone, IsServer = 0, IsDedicatedServer = 0, IsServerStreamingEnabled = 0, IsServerStreamingOutEnabled = 0, IsUsingMakingVisibleTransaction = 0, IsUsingMakingInvisibleTransaction = 0
Display LogWorldPartition WorldPartition initialize took 818 us (total: 6.358 ms)
Log LogSourceControl IssueAsynchronousCommand: UpdateStatus
Log LogSourceControl status of 1 items (ShouldUpdateHistory=0, ShouldGetOpenedOnly=0, ShouldUpdateModifiedState=0)
Verbose LogSourceControl C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.4/ArtistPluginDevelop/Content/SimpleTestControlsActor.uasset is out of the Workspace
Verbose LogSourceControl RunUpdateStatus: 1 file(s)/0 directory(ies) ('C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.4/ArtistPluginDevelop/Content/SimpleTestControlsActor.uasset'...)
Log LogSourceControl UpdateStatus of C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.4/ArtistPluginDevelop/Content/SimpleTestControlsActor.uasset processed in 0.017s
Warning LogOutputDevice Script Stack (0 frames) :
Log LogStats FPlatformStackWalk::StackWalkAndDump - 0.046 s
Error LogOutputDevice === Handled ensure: ===
Error LogOutputDevice Ensure condition failed: PluginContainingAsset [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Developer\AssetTools\Private\AssetViewUtils.cpp] [Line: 1574]
Error LogOutputDevice Only plugins can exist outside of the expected target path of 'C:/DEV/Unreal/mrsv-unreal-client/'. 'C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.4/ArtistPluginDevelop/Content/MRSVClientActor.uasset' will not calculate an accurate result!
Error LogOutputDevice Stack:
Error LogOutputDevice [Callstack] 0x00007ffd437d99fa UnrealEditor-AssetTools.dll!UnknownFunction []
Error LogOutputDevice [Callstack] 0x00007ffd3c2680e1 UnrealEditor-ContentBrowser.dll!UnknownFunction []
Error LogOutputDevice [Callstack] 0x00007ffd3c2a31c6 UnrealEditor-ContentBrowser.dll!UnknownFunction []
Error LogOutputDevice [Callstack] 0x00007ffd511de6de UnrealEditor-Slate.dll!UnknownFunction []
Error LogOutputDevice [Callstack] 0x00007ffd510fa026 UnrealEditor-Slate.dll!UnknownFunction []
Error LogOutputDevice [Callstack] 0x00007ffd510f8ac4 UnrealEditor-Slate.dll!UnknownFunction []
Error LogOutputDevice [Callstack] 0x00007ff7cfb699a1 UnrealEditor.exe!UnknownFunction []
Error LogOutputDevice [Callstack] 0x00007ff7cfb8e33c UnrealEditor.exe!UnknownFunction []
Error LogOutputDevice [Callstack] 0x00007ff7cfb8e42a UnrealEditor.exe!UnknownFunction []
Error LogOutputDevice [Callstack] 0x00007ff7cfb918a4 UnrealEditor.exe!UnknownFunction []
Error LogOutputDevice [Callstack] 0x00007ff7cfba70c4 UnrealEditor.exe!UnknownFunction []
Error LogOutputDevice [Callstack] 0x00007ff7cfbaa37a UnrealEditor.exe!UnknownFunction []
Error LogOutputDevice [Callstack] 0x00007ffdef37257d KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
Error LogOutputDevice [Callstack] 0x00007ffdf140af08 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
Log LogStats SubmitErrorReport - 0.000 s
Log LogStats SendNewReport - 1.779 s
Log LogStats FDebug::EnsureFailed - 1.831 s
Log LogDerivedDataCache C:/Users/guble/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/Common/DerivedDataCache: Maintenance finished in +00:00:00.000 and deleted 0 files with total size 0 MiB and 0 empty folders. Scanned 0 files in 1 folders with total size 0 MiB.
Log LogSlate Updating window title bar state: overlay mode, drag disabled, window buttons hidden, title bar hidden
Log LogWorld BeginTearingDown for /Game/UEDPIE_0_ClientMainMap
Warning LogOutputDevice Script Stack (0 frames) :
Error LogWindows appError called: Assertion failed: LevelStreaming || GetActorCount() [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\WorldPartition\WorldPartitionRuntimeLevelStreamingCell.cpp] [Line: 630]
Log LogWindows Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
Any help would be grately appreciated!