I am using World Composition streaming to spawn levels at a render distance of 1, so that the player only sees one level at a time until they reach the level border, when it will unload the previous level and load the new one.
Problem is, the camera is far away from the player, so the levels load in when the camera crosses that threshold instead of the player.
How do I center what is rendered around the player and not the camera?
I understand I could use Level Streaming Volumes to load and unload levels, but I have 5000 levels that create up a modular world, that's too many for me to blueprint in right? Unless there's a way to do "depending on current loaded level, unload it and load a level that has an increased X/Y value in its name by 1/-1 depending on direction player entered level." So, unload Map_X01_Y01 and load Map_X01_Y02?