Streaming data into UE4 for realtime visualisation?

I’m interested in using UE4 for visualizing realtime or near-realtime data, particularly for visualizing data flowing through a large-scale integration platform (I work in healthcare IT).

I’ve found the vaRest plugin for calling services, but what are my options for streaming data into UE4 rather than polling? I’d be interested in any way of calling a UDP/TCP-IP connection, exposing a HTTP endpoint or consuming a queue (e.g. Kafka or AMQP) from UE4 that I can feed data into.

Is there any way of doing this via Blueprints, or is any solution going to be C++ based? I’d really appreciate any links to good resources on this as I’ve drawn a blank on Google and the answer hub search.

Just wanted to say, that I too have interest for this…

… same , me too …

I am also interested in RabbitMQ/Kafka integration.


Also interested…did you figure this out?

Did anyone figure this out? Interested to see what’s possible with this.