Strange tracking issues when I scale down main player

I am using a set actor scale 3d to make the player 10 times smaller in the game world but when he becomes smaller the camera and tracking becomes messed up. When you try to move around in your Vive, tracking becomes 10 times less responsive.

If the room scale bounds covered 100 square panels then if you walked across the room in the game you would walk 100 panels when the character was full size then when you shrink the player the room scale would cover 10 square panels. You should be able to walk across the 10 panels but it works out that you can only walk across one panel. It almost feels like the room bounds are sliding across the floor.

I think that somehow making the character 10 times smaller reduces the tracking ability of the vive somehow. If there was a way to increase the strength of the tracking I think this would fix the issue but I wouldn’t know where to start.


Try this:

Open up the world settings

Change the VR World to meters

Changing it to a higher value, like 1000, would make the world seem like it’s 10x smaller. The benefit of doing it this way is you can model in 1-1 world scale so all physics and such will be simulated properly but your characters IPD (distance between the cameras) will change to be bigger or smaller, and the positional tracking will also be scaled with the IPD

Edit: just a quick note on your original issue, scaling the player like that is generally a bad idea as you’ve seen you will also scale the tracking space with it. I would recommend just leaving it at 1,1,1 unless you very specifically need it at something different

I tried that. I even used the set world to meters scale BP when the player changes and it doensn’t fix the tracking issue. When I use this the tracked controllers disappear altogether.


I’m at work now so I don’t have acess to my Vive but I’m wondering do I need to drag off the SteamVRChaperone and change the scale of that too?

Edit: Reread your reply. I see you mean to just use the VR World to meters. The problem with that is the gun he is holding seems 10 times bigger when I do that.

You could just scale down the motion controller component if that is the case, Although I’m not sure if they are effected by the world scale to meters

I actually figured it out in the end. For anyone that wants to know how I used the below BP

Which scaled everything perfectly but the I was having an issue where I couldn’t see the controllers unless I moved back about 4 feet due to clipping.

To fix this I went into project settings, general settings and changed the near clip plane from 10 to 1.