Strange lighting issue after building level?

Hi, I got a strange lighting issue after building my level. I only played around with the position of the green spotlight in the background. After the last build my scene looks ugly bright and cheap like the second picture. Found neither a source nor a solution for that behaviour yet, Any suggestions?


Just a guess: your walls’ lightmaps are extremely low. You got away with it since there were no lights in the scene… Now Unreal tries to visualize all the lighting information but on a very low res lightmap this is the most it can…
Just a guess…

Sorry! :frowning:
Another guess: could it be that you set a low streamingpool and turned off error messages and you’re over the limit and what you see is a low res lighting?

Thank you, to test that I increased the lightmap of the walls to 256, but it made no difference concerning that sudden brightness and annoying corners. Did about 20 builds and just minor changes before, when my nice early morning light changed to that strangely illuminated mess after that one build.

Okay, after playing around with different lightmass settings it turned out, that your first guess was right. Finally I returned to standard lightmass settings, but increased the lightmap resolution to 512 for the walls and turned on “Generate Lightmap UVs”. Then I got rid of the remaining seam between the walls by adding a post process only to deactivate eye-adaption by setting min and max brightness to 1.0. Now it nearly looks like before that impact.

I’m still wondering how this happened and why it concerned only one of my walls, they rest of the walls remained seamless. Seems that it’s a common problem using modular walls, what I’ll try to avoid in future. Thanks for your help, now I can finish the footage of my next problem I’ll post here soon. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: