I have a strange issue, ive made a blueprint thats going to update from a targetpoint, the target point can have a “next” var wich is a targetpoint or an “option” var wich is an array of target points.
Everything runs fine but for some strange reason from time to time my Value current waypoint get’s empty for me without reason it runs trought the blueprint fine and then the next moment that value is empty.
Anyone having the same issue?
Its the “CurrentWaypoint” variable that gets empty not the “PreviousWaypoint” one
Im rly clueless what causes this issue, ive allready tried making all the actors into objects without luck. For one strange reason (for no appearent reason as far as i can see) the var gets null and then the cast failes and the Whole Ai hangs…
hard to tell what’s going on here, but to resolve issues with null variables, sometimes i’ll add a selector to handle this. so you would create a selector and name it 'HaveWaypoint?" or something, add a decorator that simply has whether or not CurrentWaypoint is set, then assuming it is, it will follow the walking branch. this decorator would ‘abort: self’ so anytime current waypoint is not set, the branch aborts, at which point you could force the decision tree into a new branch that forces a value to be assigned to the CurrentWaypoint.