I currently created a character using Autodesk Character Generator. I then imported it into maya and followed the steps in their guide to animate the character, found here: tutorial But through this process I encountered some weird things.
For example, the model comes into Maya 2014 upright then when I export to the fbx and import, the character is 1) tiny and I must remember to scale it, 2) lying on its back. But whatever, I just adjust the settings on import. However, if I import the FBX file generated from autodesk character generator, I do not have have to resize or rotate anything.
Moving on, another strange issue I am having is when I am import a character into Unreal from Maya and resize it, so it is larger, when I import my animations and preview them, my mesh either becomes invisible or really tiny again.
How do I go about fixing this, I am using UE4 4.7.6, have searched around and tried baking, and binding key simulations…