Straight Line in Fog when using Movie Render Queue

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I am currently rendering a scene in UE5 and whilst in the viewport the image looks fine, in the movie render queue a hard line appears in the middle of the screen of the render. I can “get rid of it” by disabling fog or the sky atmosphere but I am entirely unsure what is causing the issue. I am using Ultra Dynamic Sky if that helps at all though this still is prevalent with standard exponential height fog when I plugged into UDS briefly.

The line is central, and for comparison how it looks in my editor:

Does anyone have any suggestions? I will continue to tweak with the settings in an effort.

My system specs for reference:

5900x Ryzen CPU || 7900XTX || 48 GB RAM 2400MHz (I have xmp disabled to test stability) || 4tb NVME SSD for UE5.

Kind regards,


Did you ever find a solution for this? Having the same issue with UDS

Here is a possible solution i figured out

I ran into this issue recently and stumbled on this thread whilst solving it.

The straight line occuring only during render queue is due to a pair of CVars that get applied by the ‘Cinematic Quality’ scalability settings, which seem to clash with UDS. You can test this by flicking the viewport’s ‘Effects’ setting between Cinematic and Epic.

r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT = 0
r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.FastApplyOnOpaque = 0

Go into your console overrides in your pipeline configuration and set them both back to 1, and it’ll render the same as it does in viewport.

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