Hello, every Body … after I search solution for my Problem for months and I got Nothing I came here for hoping to get some answers for what I Really need …
what I want to do is … use My Microphone amplitude as integer Variable into Unreal Engine 4 to do a Function.
I’m Using the Blueprint when programming the Games since 2010 and I’m not good enough in Programing By C++. the Answers which I Found it’s for a People Experts in C++ and it’s not easy for me to understand and it does another function not what I want exactly! so all what I want it makes an actor in C++ or Blueprint just to use it as Variable to Store Microphone Voice Amplitude … So please if there is anyone have the Solution for me to save my day then I’ll be I’ll be ٍSuper grateful for it.
I fixed the Problem by using C++ Actor but I faced another problem because of this C++ Actor! I’ll try to Fix it But I hope in the Next Update for UNREAL ENGINE 4 thy Add Microphone Capturing Function Blueprint … what’s will be really helpful