Hi Everyone,
I have a bit of an odd problem I’m trying to solve and thought I would once again ask for some help. I have quite a few skeletal mesh actors all with looping animations in my level. However, I can’t seem to get those animations to pause while I’m inside the widget. I need specific keyboard input during the widget so simply setting the game mode to pause won’t work in my case.
The widget only opens through a “clickable component” blue print. Once the user clicks on that object the widget pops up and I want all the other figure animations to pause. Then after exiting the widget those animations can resume again.
I’m trying to use an event dispatcher within the clickable component blueprint that then gets called in the level blueprint. The event dispatcher looks like this:
Inside the level blueprint the event being called by the dispatcher looks like this:
What I can’t seem to work out is I keep getting a warning and that this “Cast to” will always fail as Clickable component does not inherit player controller. Am I doing this the correct way or is there an easier way to achieve this. Any help is greatly appreciated!